
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Mono-Red Bloodthirst

Tonight I want to share with you a nice little deck that I found in the forums over on Wizard's site. The deck was build by AzazelWandering with some help of another poster on the forum, VRdragoon. Between the two of them they built a nifty modern format mono-red deck that is focused on the bloodthrist ability.

Creature Spells - 26
x4 Goblin Fireslinger
x4 Goblin Arsonist
x4 Bogardan Lancer
x4 Stormblood Berserker
x4 Pyreheart Wolf
x4 Blood Ogre
x2 Gorehorn Minotaur

Red Spells - 11
x3 Lightning Bolt
x4 Forked Bolt
x4 Arc Trail

Lands - 23
x23 Mountain

What it does: 
Activating bloodthrist is an easy thing for red to do, and this deck has several ways on getting those necessary points of damage through. Spells like Forked Bolt and Arc Trail are perfect for when you don't want to choose between shooing the player or hitting a creature they control, and a casual red deck with no lightning bolts is almost absurd! The creature choices are pretty solid and seem to have a nice variety of added effects. I've liked Stromblood Berserker ever since I first saw it. Any 2-drop that can easily become a 3/3 just by hurting my opponent before I drop it is a keeper in my book. Goblin fireslinger had to of been made for this style of deck, especially since it did come out in the same set that brought this mechanic back. I feel that creatures with the bloodthrist ability seem to prefer being cast during the second main phase after you attack, which is a phase a few of us tend to forget about.  

 The best thing about this deck, and all the others on his thread, is that it costs under $15 to put together. If you would like to see some of the other decks him and other posters on that thread have come up with, just check it out Here

Happy Playing!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Well built! It's the kind of deck I'd like to try out for myself, seems fun and effective. There's interaction and there's pressure on the same deck, I love it.
