
About Us

RagingGoblinGrenade is the brainchild of a magic-loving couple:Raging Goblin and Goblin Grenade

About Nicki (Raging Goblin):
Likes:      Playing games, walking, cheese
Dislikes:  Cheaters, meanies, when I have a bad rolling streak in D&D
Hobbies: Playing magic, D&D, doodling, and blogging
I'm 22 years old, currently living with Danny in Boredom CA. While I've only been playing magic for around a year or so, I've learned quite a lot about deck building and cards and whatnot. Someday I plan to open my own card shop here in town (especially since there isn't one for miles).

About Danny (Goblin Grenade):
Likes:     Magic, D&D, sleep
Dislikes:  Work
Hobbies: Video games
I am 21, and I have done things. Lots of things. I started playing magic around 2000, but took a break for around 7 years. When Nicki moved in she got me back into magic.